Take Action – Urge Legislators to Pass HB 1099 to respond to the Climate Crisis!

Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest The Washington State Legislature is considering legislation to address climate change as a required goal in revising the Washington State Growth Management Act. HB 1099 would require cities and counties in their comprehensive planning process … Continue reading

Comments Needed Now on Draft Seattle 2020 Urban Forest Management Plan

The City of Seattle is seeking comments on their draft Urban Forest Management Plan. Update – The survey questions are closed as of Nov 30, 2020 but comments can still be sent in – see below Information on the draft … Continue reading

Portland, Oregon Again Leading the Way on Stronger Tree Protection

The following e-mail was sent to Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and the Seattle City Council: Here is an update on what Portland, Oregon is currently doing regarding updating their Tree Ordinance. Portland, Oregon last week took another strong step toward … Continue reading

Seattle Needs to Amend 2035 Comprehensive Plan to Provide More Protection for Trees

Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest  supports Seattle City Council Resolution 31970. We support amending Seattle’s 2035 Comprehensive Plan to “identify opportunities to better support the urban tree canopy” We also support the provision to consider “impact fee amendments to public … Continue reading

Public Comment Needed Now to Increase Tree Protection in Seattle!

Action Needed Now to Protect Seattle’s Trees! Public Comments are needed now supporting draft SDCI Director’s Rule 13-2020 for Increased Tree Protection – Deadline August 17th Your help is needed now to ensure that stronger tree protection in Seattle moves forward. The … Continue reading

What are the key provisions in the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission’s draft Tree and Urban Forest Protection Ordinance?

What are the key provisions in the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission’s draft Tree and Urban Forest Protection Ordinance? Power Point Presentation                          Click here to see Seattle Urban Forestry … Continue reading

2020 Seattle City Council Committee Structure and Chairs to be Adopted on Monday

Here is the resolution to be voted on Monday Jan.6, 2020 by the Seattle City Council which will set up the Committee Structure, Committee Chairs and Committee members for 2020. Resolution 31922 – A RESOLUTION relating to committee structure, membership, meeting … Continue reading

Explaining why key provisions are in the 2019 Seattle Urban Forestry Commission draft Tree and Urban Forest Protection Ordinance

In June 2019, at the request of several Council members, the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission submitted  a draft Tree and Urban Forest Protection Ordinance to the Seattle City Council and Mayor. The Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance is urging … Continue reading

Washington Native Plant Society editorial on updating Seattle’s Tree Protection Ordinance

WNPS Comments on Seattle City Tree Ordinance  Conservation Stewardship Editorial  Becky Chaney  Sunday, 29 September 2019 WNPS Editor’s note: In July, the Washington Native Plant Society sent this letter to Seattle’s Mayor and City Council to support an update to Seattle’s tree protection … Continue reading