Washington Native Plant Society editorial on updating Seattle’s Tree Protection Ordinance

WNPS Comments on Seattle City Tree Ordinance  Conservation Stewardship Editorial  Becky Chaney  Sunday, 29 September 2019 WNPS Editor’s note: In July, the Washington Native Plant Society sent this letter to Seattle’s Mayor and City Council to support an update to Seattle’s tree protection … Continue reading

Draft Seattle Tree Ordinance Needs Improvement

Draft Seattle Tree Protection Ordinance (Version 5b) needs improvement and needs to add back current protections that were removed!   On August 1st Councilmember Rob Johnson released the first draft of an updated Seattle tree ordinance and a new Council memo. … Continue reading

Action Needed Now to Protect and Enhance Seattle’s Trees and Urban Forest

Action Needed Now to Protect and Enhance Seattle’s Trees and Urban Forest We urge Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan and the Seattle City Council to take action now to significantly strengthen Seattle’s ordinances to protect our trees and urban forest. Seattle’s … Continue reading

Lake Forest Park Buys 5 Acre Woods from Seattle Public Utilities for Park

Press Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 29, 2017 Lake Forest Park and City of Seattle Come Together to Save 5 Acre Woods September 28: After two years of intense negotiation and advocacy by community groups, the Lake Forest Park City … Continue reading

Seattle Tree Ordinance Update Priorities – 2017

In 2009, the Seattle City Council issued Resolution 31138 instructing “…the Department of Planning and Development to submit legislation by May 2010 to establish a comprehensive set of regulations and incentives to limit the removal of trees and promote the … Continue reading

Comments on Natural Area and Greenbelt Supplemental Use Guidelines

The following comments were delivered by Steve Zemke, Chair of the Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest to the Seattle Parks Board on June 25, 2015. The Seattle Parks Department is proposing to open up long protected natural areas and greenbelts … Continue reading

Draft EIS for Seattle 2035 Comprehensive Plan Gives Urban Forest Short Shift

Seattle is currently undergoing an update of its Comprehensive Plan. The update to deal with growth projections over the next 20 years is required under the State’s Growth Management Act. The projections are that Seattle will see a significant increase of 120,000 … Continue reading

Keeping Cheasty, and All Seattle’s Natural Areas, Healthy for Urban Nature

  The Thornton Creek Alliance has sent the following letter to the Seattle Park Board Commissioners questioning the pilot project proposal to open a large section of the Cheasty Green Belt and Natural Area to active sports use by mountain bikes. … Continue reading