Send A Be My Valentine To State Legislators: Add Urban & Community Forestry Amendments To E2SHB 1099

Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest

Dear Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest,

E2SHB 1099 is in the WA State Senate Housing and Land Use Committee. The bill would add a climate resiliency element that cities and counties need to consider when they update their Comprehensive Plans under the state’s Growth Management Act. They are considering amendments to the bill in Executive Session on Thursday before it is voted to pass the bill out of  Committee.

Please help strengthen the bill by sending  Washington State Senators a Valentine’s Day email urging that they adopt the purposed urban forest amendments below.
🌳💚🌲Send a ‘Be My Valentine’ email 🌲💚🌳

We have a pre-written e-mail you can quickly sent them. Feel free to add your own comments.Here are our proposed amendments we are asking for:

In Sec. 4 (1) – Page 7 line 14 – Add underlined words – “A land use element designating the proposed general distribution and general location and extent of the uses of land, where appropriate, for agriculture, timber production, housing, commerce, industry, recreation, open spaces, general aviation, airports, public utilities, public facilities, urban and community forests, and other land uses.”
In Sec. 4 (1) – Page 7 line 22 – Insert following sentence – “The land use element must evaluate urban and community forestry canopy cover and its preservation and enhancement to mitigate heat impacts and associated health impacts on humans and the natural environment,”
In Sec. 4 (9) (b) (i) (A) – Page 17 line 30 – Add following words (bolded only to designate they are new words to add to current new sentence in bill) to the following – “Identify, protect, and enhance urban and community forests and other natural areas to foster resiliency to climate impacts, as well as areas of vital habitat for plant and animal diversity, safe passage and species migration; and”

Thanks for your help!
Steve Zemke – Chair
Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest

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