Seattle’s Tree Protection Ordinance Update is on the move again. Councilmember Sally Bagshaw has agreed to move this legislation forward, after Councilmember Rob Johnson resigned from the Seattle City Council earlier this year.
Councilmember Bagshaw met with the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission last month and asked them to produce a draft update of the ordinance. A new draft is being finalized, based on the Seattle City Council’s previous work, the current ordinance, the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission’s work and the issues the City Council agreed with in the accompanying City Council Resolution passed as part of the MHA Ordinance.
A drafting committee of the Seattle Urban Forestry Commission will be presenting their draft to Councilmember Bagshaw and Council staff on Friday June 14, 2019.
The Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance will be meeting the next day, Saturday, June 15th, to discuss what’s in the draft and what comes next. You’re invited to come and participate in the discussion.
Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance
Briefing on Tree Protection Ordinance Update
Saturday June 15, 2019 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM
Lake City Library, 12501 28th Ave NE, Seattle, WA
Looking forward to seeing you Saturday..
Steve Zemke
Chair – Coalition for a Stronger Tree Ordinance – a Project of Friends of Seattle’s Urban Forest and TreePAC.